Driving Brand Impact.
Improving Channel Programs.
  • SPIFF Outcomes.
  • Rebates Outcomes.
  • Co-op Outcomes.
  • Ad Builder Outcomes.
  • Planning Outcomes.
  • Digital Outcomes.
  • Content Outcomes.
  • Leads Outcomes.
  • Mobile Outcomes.
  • Incentives Outcomes.
  • Your Desired Outcomes.
Your Desired Outcomes.

Channel Fusion provides a tailored channel marketing platform supported by best-in-class services for some of the world’s leading brands.


Delivering Outcomes-based Results

Providing channel marketing programs is one thing. Providing channel marketing programs that are based on delivering desired outcomes is another. At Channel Fusion, we provide a comprehensive ecosystem of channel marketing solutions and support services, but we start by understanding a brand’s desired outcomes first.

Outcomes are part of our DNA. We ask questions, probe responses and challenge the status quo to ensure the channel marketing programs we deliver not only meet, but exceed desired outcomes. That mindset starts at the beginning of a partnership and continues through to channel program implementation and ongoing operations and management.


The Channel Fusion Ecosystem

For more than 20 years, we’ve been providing brands and their distribution partners with comprehensive channel marketing solutions and industry expertise. We continue to invest in our Channel Fusion Ecosystem to ensure our clients have access to the best core platform and configurable modules – supported by a team of customer-obsessed Fusers – to provide tailored channel marketing programs that deliver desired outcomes.

Our Expertise

Experience Matters

Our dedicated team of Fusers are obsessed with providing positively outrageous customer support that helps our clients and their channel partners deliver desired outcomes. The results speak for themselves.



We manage more than $1 billion in client trade promotion funds.



We serve a network of over 100,000 dealers and distributors.


We manage global channel marketing programs with portals localized in 15 languages.



80 percent of our business comes from client referrals.

Let’s Discuss Your Desired Outcomes

Learn more about how we partner with brands and their channel partners.

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Channel Fusion Insights

Return on Investment Published
Categorized as Channel Marketing, Local Marketing, Return on Investment, Strategy
ROI Best Practices for Channel Partners

For brands that rely on channel partners to sell and service their products, ensuring a high return on investment (ROI) is paramount. Channel partners play a crucial role in driving sales and extending market reach, but without a strategic focus on ROI, efforts can fall short. Let’s delve into the best practices for maximizing ROI… Continue reading ROI Best Practices for Channel Partners

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improve social presence Published
Categorized as Channel Fusion, Digital Fusion, Local Marketing, Social Media
Everyone is On Their Phone: 5 Reasons You Need to Improve Your Social Presence

We’ve got a question: can you put your phone away and not use it for an entire day? That means no driving directions, no checking the time, no “shoot me a quick text.” Nothing.   Unless you’re on a wild adventure with no wireless service, chances are you can’t. And if you still insist you… Continue reading Everyone is On Their Phone: 5 Reasons You Need to Improve Your Social Presence

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Partner Management Published
Categorized as Channel Marketing, Return on Investment, Strategy
Mastering Channel Partner Management: Strategies for Success

In today’s competitive business landscape, effective channel partner management is crucial for driving growth and maximizing sales potential. This comprehensive guide explores the challenges faced in managing channel partners and provides actionable strategies for success.   Channel partners play a vital role in expanding market reach and boosting sales for many businesses. However, managing these… Continue reading Mastering Channel Partner Management: Strategies for Success

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Trusted by top global brands.
