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0-150: How We Grew Our LinkedIn Following in Only One Month and Unlocked Newsletters

Growing LinkedIn Audience

Increase your business. Impress your friends. Grow … a following. You think you need to increase your following, possibly to post Newsletters, but why? And how?  


Expanding the number of people following your LinkedIn account gives you a larger audience for all your fabulous content. This in turn generates more interest in your business and more recognition for you as an industry thought leader.  


You’ve probably seen the term “thought leadership” as you ambled around the Internet, drifting through social media platforms. Thought leadership is sharing your professional observations, experience, and knowledge, often specifically referring to digital content (like social media posts, blogs, newsletters, etc.). 


Your online presence controls more than you think. Placing yourself as a thought leader establishes your authority in your field for future clients and employees. This authority helps you secure quality leads for both and can set you apart from your competition. But how can you get started? 


Gaining more reach with your LinkedIn content demands interacting with the platform—consistently. LinkedIn offers posting and advertising options that, with solid digital content strategy, get your account front and center to the eyes you want. You gain a powerful platform to share knowledge, opinions, and facts. One method that carries quite a bit of weight is LinkedIn Newsletters. 

More About LinkedIn Newsletters and Why You Want One 

Newsletters continue their rise in reach appeal* and offer you a unique chance to be a voice in your digital community, in your specialty. Newsletters are also pushed to people that like similar things but are not part of your network. This will exponentially increase your following with the topics and people you’re targeting. 


Sounds great doesn’t it? But not just anyone can start pumping out Newsletters like The Weekly World News when the next Batboy story drops. Your LinkedIn account needs to meet certain criteria.  


What are those criteria? We’re here to help you figure that out and l give you a proven method to achieve the hardest part (in our opinion), in this edition of Digital Fusion’s newest blog and our LinkedIn Newsletter, The Marketing Minute: Your Monthly Dose of Genius. 

What Your LinkedIn Account Needs to Post a Newsletter 

If your LinkedIn account is personal, you can begin posting Newsletters at any time. Make sure to stay within LinkedIn’s User Agreement. 


If your account is your business’s “Page” (this is how LinkedIn refers to these types of accounts, so we will also from here out) or the Page of a business you represent, you need to meet 3 more stringent criteria. 


Number 1, is consistently abiding by LinkedIn’s Professional Community Policies, here. This means you’re a well-behaved member of the community and will try your best to remain that way.  


Number 2, the Page requesting Newsletters needs to be an active LinkedIn poster, and recently and consistently posting original content. This limits bot accounts, low-effort posts, low-quality newsletters, non-established members creating Newsletters, and old accounts being revived without putting in current efforts. 


Number 3, and the one we will give you a game plan to accomplish, your account needs a solid following of at least 150 individual accounts. 


That’s the part we’re here to help you with today: how to quickly grow your LinkedIn following. 

Case Study: How to Grow Your LinkedIn Page Following and Post Newsletters 


Your own employees are one of your biggest assets. 


When Digital Fusion needed to grow our own following, Marketing Director, Kelly Magers, took a comfy seat at her company-wide writing desk. She drafted a persuasive email with a great CTA (that’s a Call-to-Action if you’re unfamiliar) and sent it to all company employees.


A Well-Worded Request 

 Kelly chose to use an analogy in her email, to give readers an answer to the question all persuasion should answer: what can this do for me? Giving your readers a buy-in here is important. Motivate your own employees to action exactly how you’ll motivate your customers, with knowledge of how the action you’re asking them to perform can change their lives.  


In Kelly’s case, she pointed out that sharing content by our coworkers reverberates around the LinkedIn digital ecosphere. Just a few shares can easily put us in touch with decision-makers at other companies—companies seeking superior digital marketing services. 


But Kelly didn’t stop there. 


A Little Friendly Competition 

Who doesn’t enjoy winning? Using this little nugget of knowledge of human psychology, challenge your coworkers to see who can grow your following the fastest. 


Incentives are always welcome, but being able to claim a victory like this with minimal effort is also motivation enough. Especially if you’ve developed a company culture of collective success, like Channel Fusion. 


Get By With a Little Help From Your Friends 

This is where your network, your coworker’s networks, and friends’ and family’s networks take center stage.  


Post an open invitation to your LinkedIn business Page. Start sharing the invitation on your personal LinkedIn profile. Actually ask people you know to interact and don’t be scared to tap into your network of real-life acquaintances.  


And finally, one of the biggest ways this growth was quickly accomplished: sending invitations from your personal LinkedIn account to your network. This proved to be the most beneficial method for getting actual followers. 

Gaining access to LinkedIn Newsletters gives your business Page a strong digital marketing platform. With a steady flow of new editions, LinkedIn algorithms will spread your knowledge, ideas, and information to endless people and valid leads. 


About Channel Fusion 

For more than 20 years, Channel Fusion has been delivering strategy, customer experience and return on investment outcomes for brands and their channel partners with a wide variety of solutions and industry expertise. We continue to invest in the overall ecosystem of our channel marketing offering to ensure our clients can provide their channel partners with an optimal customer experience to drive results. Our core technologies and connected platform are supported by a team of customer-centric “Fusers.” Let us know if you’d like to learn more about how we deliver desired outcomes for brands and their channel partners. 


*We just made that name up, but it means things that make your account more appealing to LinkedIn algorithms. 

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