SPIFF Products Collateral

The Channel Fusion SPIFF module provides a turnkey solution for a brand’s channel partners to incentivize their sales associates. Dealer sales associates receive a specific incentive amount for each line item on a submitted invoice that meets established program criteria.


SPIFF Core Features

Once claims are submitted, the Chanel Fusion team performs adjudication processes and marks claims as either approved or denied, and the user receives an email with a status update, assuming they provided an accurate email when submitting their claim. Using program submission criteria provided by the client, the Channel Fusion team processes the requisite payment.

The flexibility of the Channel Fusion SPIFF module allows for the configuration and deployment of other types of incentive programs that do not utilize a claiming process and, instead, are based on sell-in/sell-out data provided by a client. These programs can be set up, calculated, and distributed based on program guidelines as well. Examples of this type of program include:

  • Percentage-based
  • Goal-based
    • Quarterly Sales
    • % Growth
    • Year-over-year


Promotion Setup

When initiating the promotion creation process, program admins log into the SPIFF platform. From the platform home screen, users have the ability to create and execute new promotions, and view all reports/dashboards, summary screens, and current promotions.

When creating a promotion, program admins customize their promotion by selecting and tailoring the promotional levers to fit their designed program. This process is facilitated by a wizard-based, user-friendly, setup to maximize efficiency of the setup process. Once the levers are selected, the user is able to set the parameters for the promotion as well including dollar amounts, and promotional dates and deadlines. Users are also to go in and edit existing promotions as well. Note: The tool allows the user to select multiple different “payment” rules within the same promotion that would allow [Company] to SPIFF different dollar amounts for different products/regions/etc.


User Registration and Management

The Channel Fusion SPIFF module has additional user tiers and user management workflows. User tiers include business owners, store managers, and sales associates, for example. Business owners, on the other hand, will already have credentials that were provided by the brand.

Store managers and salespeople are required to fill out the registration process which asks for identifying information as well as additional 1099 information required to facilitate the 1099 tax documents at the end of the year.

Once Store Managers submit their registration, the business owner approves their registration as a valid participant in the SPIFF program. Similarly, sales associates need to be approved by either business owners or store managers. Business owners and store managers have the ability to remove and edit any user access that is within their permission level.


Submit a Claim

The claim submission process follows a two-step wizard-based process similar to the promotion setup workflow.

Step 1 – Initially, the user logs into the SPIFF platform and selects the claim submission workflow. The first step in the workflow asks for all relevant transaction information –models/products sold, price sold, and date of sale.

Step 2 – The next step in the process asks for all required documentation based on the program guidelines – paid invoice, receipt, etc.

Step 3 – The first two steps are repeated for all relevant transactions that share the same documentation. Once completed, the final step is to confirm and submit the claim. Once the claim is submitted, the user receives an automated email notification informing them of successful claim submission and a corresponding claim number.


Check Claim Status

After submitting a claim, users are able to go to the “check claim status” section of the site to view a history of all previously submitted claims. The initial overview screen shows high-level information about each claim including claim number, date submitted, and status of the claim. If a user wants to view more detail on the claim, they can click on the claim to view the detail of all submissions and corresponding status.


The Channel Fusion SPIFF module is designed to provide maximum flexibility by leveraging self-service functionality. The tool allows program administrators to use the module to create and deploy promotions within minutes by leveraging the Channel Fusion Core Promotions Engine.
This engine features a repository of “fund levers” that allows for the customization of all types of promotions. Examples include:

  • Model
  • Date range (start and end, submission)
  • Geography (zone, region, specific partner location or locations)
  • Partner tier


Channel Fusion’s approach to SPIFF incentives focuses on user experience across all audiences from program administrators to those submitting and claiming the SPIFF.


Programs are facilitated within the platform using a simple claiming process. Once a promotion is deployed, users are able to utilize the web-based tool to fill out and submit all required information for adjudication. Retailers will only have visibility to those promotions in which their stores qualify to participate.

Learn more about the Channel Fusion Channel Incentives offering

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